Go All The Way
“If you’re going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don’t even start. This could mean losing girlfriends, wives, relatives and maybe even your mind. It could mean not eating for three or four days. It could mean freezing on a park bench. It could mean jail. It could mean derision. It could mean mockery–isolation. Isolation is the gift. All the others are a test of your endurance, of how much you really want to do it. And, you’ll do it, despite rejection and the worst odds. And it will be better than anything else you can imagine. If you’re going to try, go all the way. There is no other feeling like that. You will be alone with the gods, and the nights will flame with fire. You will ride life straight to perfect laughter. It’s the only good fight there is.”
– Charles Bukowski, Factotum

Whatever it Takes.
Posted in Various Miscellaneous and tagged isolation, rejection, sacrifice, success, whatever it takes by Brent with 1 comment.
A Merry “Hanyaks” Christmas
My Friends, The Hanyaks (https://www.hanyaksrock.com/)
and I made this hilarious Christmas Video …Enjoy!
If you Like the Video… Let Them Know…
Posted in Various Miscellaneous by Brent with no comments yet.
Heather Nova
One of my favorite songwriters, Heather Nova:
Posted in Live Performances, Music and tagged acoustic, fullband, Poetry, singersongwriter by Brent with no comments yet.
My Morning Is Not Your Morning ~
[Thought’s on coming into the New Year]
Last year I was very silent,
perhaps this year I’ll keep it that way too…
Or will I finally break proscenium from this bourgeois stage of life to defeat this Steppenwolf complex/character of which I’ve grown so unfortunately much too accustomed with?
Am I a sheep crying wolf again?
Or have I been a starving wolf with too much sympathy for the flock?
Posted in Biography and tagged bourgeois, break proscenium, Steppenwolf by Brent with 1 comment.
Bio Computing
[January 15, 2018] Thinking of…
Designing a biological virus programmed to mature (or not mature!) into a type of ‘cellular memory’ and optionally a complete self-booting
server node pre-configured to automatically network itself with other virus symbiotic biological nodes or even non-biological nodes forming
a distributed data cluster and/or machine learning platform among them, parasitically powered from it’s hosts’ passive electrical energy.
– Must maintain redundant hosts for fault tolerance when hosts reach end of life.
– Host could be feed GMO to increase/maintain electrical throughput,
and GMO feeding should obviously be engineered for supporting longevity of homeostasis in hosts.
– Stem cell organism could be grown for this rather than utilizing host creatures though.
– Any biological host organisms configured to communicate with non-biological systems should be non-sensory stem-cell entities,
for the sake of being humane to any host which would otherwise possibly be physically, emotionally, or mentally impeded upon
by communication infrastructure.
Maintaining data integrity, security, and ethnics would mean preventing the virus from biological mutation though.
So there’s that.
What do you think?
Posted in Biology, BrenT's ThoughtS, Science, Technology and tagged biological computing, ethnics and science, future tech, stem cell by Brent with 4 comments.
Expectations from a world without end…

When you are young, you enjoy a sustained illusion that sooner or later something marvelous is going to happen, that you are going to transcend your parents’ limitations… At the same time, you feel sure that in all the wilderness of possibility; in all the forest of opinion, there is a vital something that can be known — known and grasped.
That we will eventually know it, and convert the whole mystery into a coherent narrative. So that then one’s true life
— the point of everything —
will emerge from the mist into a pure light, into total comprehension.
But it isn’t like that at all. But if it isn’t, where did the idea come from, to torture and unsettle us?
– Brian Aldiss, Helliconia Summer
Posted in Biography and tagged thinking thoughts by Brent with no comments yet.
Young Mothers, Take Heart! – You Can Do It
Presenting: http://youngmomsclub.com/
An amazing resource from someone who’s been there, done that, and has succeeded in life despite what other’s thought possible!

Young Mom’s Club – Empowering Young Mother’s – http://youngmomsclub.com/
Danielle is a shining example of success by all respectable standards and proves that no matter what your situation is, you can do well in life.
So… You are here because you searched google for tips about being a young mom, or were searching online because you are considering having an abortion. Or maybe someone who really cares about you share this with you?
Either way you are blessed to discover Danielle right now because there is nothing like having a resource which can empower you to become the best version of yourself despite all odds and, at the core, that is really what this is all about. “Lifestyle Design”, as I define it, is, “creating a life lived with purpose, on purpose.” And Danielle is living proof that you (YES YOU!) can design an amazing life for yourself even despite facing the challenges which come with being a young mother.
Check out, 7 Steps to Being a Kick Ass Mom
Pregnancy is amazing, having children is a blessing, yet some people, and even society in general, can be downright negative about what can literally be one of the most positive things in your life! Sure, pregnancy can be frightening… and having children is definitely hard work! But with the right resources, support, and mindset, you can succeed in creating the life you want AND enjoy being a mother. Raising kids and fulfilling your life purpose are not mutually exclusive as you may have been made to feel/think.
Visit Young Mother’s Club to read stories from mothers who prove that you can do it!
Danielle and her resources are for you…
If you’re needing help as a single mom and dealing with:
- Facing the stigma/judgments of being a teen mom, or even feeling slighted/judged for having children in your early twenties
- Not getting the support you should from your boyfriend or husband
- Struggling to provide the stability and care your kid(s) need
- You just could use some encouragement to get through life; someone who understands
Or maybe you’re feeling hopeless about finding out you are pregnant and even considering an abortion, maybe you’re even being pressured to have one.
- Society says you’re a F#@ up, offering no solution other than to kill your baby.
- Likely your boyfriend isn’t supportive, doesn’t care, or perhaps just doesn’t even know how to care or what to do.
- Perhaps your parents are disappointed and just want this “situation” to go away, and all they can do is make you feel ashamed.
Don’t despair, young mother, there is hope and there really is a way forward without an abortion. You can handle being a mom and even become a totally amazing one at that! My hope is that one day you’ll look back with joy on your decision to keep your baby and your beautiful child will be known to you as one of the greatest blessings in your life.
Have a quick listen to Danielle, and then connect with her…
Visit: http://youngmomsclub.com/
Posted in Featured Websites, Health and tagged abortion, help for single mothers, lifestyle design, raising kids, resources for teenage moms by Brent with no comments yet.
Mutemath’s Debut Album
Lonely Nights Lately… At least tonight I have company of the Holy Spirit and am chilling with one of my top fave albums ever!
Mutemath’s self-titled masterpiece of musical beauty ?
What an album for a debut!
Rare, ethereal, raw, thought provoking and deep, experimental yet perfectly calculated, extraordinary musicianship and song craft, beautiful vocals, top production, spiritual, just everything literally. Use Headphones, Enjoy ~
And they can flawlessly perform it all live too, just amazing…
Posted in Albums, Music and tagged Album Review, Favorite Albums, Mutemath by Brent with no comments yet.
Premium Love Expectations
laaagii laa laa ethernet photobooth
cynical starburst bulbflashes of puppylove truth
past present pretense, pain so immense
recoils ourselves from feeling too much
cautions us from saying such and such
but caution to the wind, try try try again
for days are too long in the valley of longing
kicked and bleeding from the ego and not belonging
…and for what do we pray, if we can’t stay
in the arms of angels, in the arms of love
when it’s finally honest and pure from above?
barely experienced with heavenly realities here, we languish in fear
though we could save each other, be strong for each other
no… we fake along instead, waiting for, or staying with, another
but the fire that burns will certainly cure us
so if you don’t mind molten translucent gold flowing between us
just relax, you’ll enjoy such an honest burn
which quickens love’s ability to teach what we need to learn
instead of pretending like we don’t know
what all the obvious simple signs show
uncontrollable fire bringing forward our desire
uncontrollable timing, both in such a rough patch
but trust, your highest hopes have met their match
and indeed you have too… so slow down, slow dawn…
sunset my dear super-set
your chess game piece elevates to queen from pawn
there’s eternity for everything you must do
lioness paw forward stepping into the new, new
everything you ever imagined coming true
is finally here through not one, but another, and yet another
so let freedom reign in your heart like the words of your mother
holy bird lover that cannot lie, tell me why she cannot fly!?
treehouse watchposted, like watchwoman on the wall
suffering her desire for one and all
where’s the delight in being untrue?
only pain reigns when you aren’t truly free to be you
you think I’m only a muse to light the way?
no, a teacher and hunter who well deserves to feast on his prey
for the tide is turning and these rare moments are meant to seize
so humour me with truth and be the full meal deal if you please
for I will eat of you all that’s raw,
yet spitting out hay, stubble, and straw…
I’m on my way and
golden ratio realities expectantly await the best of you too;
so let’s help each other through to become what’s pure, lovely, and true
Posted in Biography, BrenT's ThoughtS, Poetry and tagged poetic crush with eyeliner, Premi, Salt and Light, sexualsapio, Words for a Poetry Goddess by Brent with 1 comment.
Dealing with ‘Mental Illness’
Ultimately, I believe in the healing power of God to take care of our minds.
But what does that look like?
God is love and God’s healing flows from compassion! We must all care for one another, doing our part to have understanding and compassion towards everyone’s state of well being to see mental health healing in our world.
I believe, there’s a place in our world for every mind, that we should accept with love all minds no matter where they are along the spectrum of cognitive function.
And I believe that healing for every single mind is available and, furthermore, that we should ALL count ourselves in need of such healing no matter our current level of cognitive ability…
that we should ALL look to our higher calling which is to have the perfect mind of Christ and to bring others to that same enlightenment through love.
Being understanding and learning how to interact well with everyone no matter where they are at in the development of their mind is loving each other well. And that’s true Christian love.
Having said that, here are a few stories below each with lessons to learn from other’s struggles with mental illness.
Unwell | Rob Thomas
The world needs all kinds of minds | Temple Grandin
A tale of mental illness | Elyn Saks
Being just crazy enough | Joshua Walters
The voices in my head | Eleanor Longden
Strange answers to the psychopath test | Jon Ronson
What’s so funny about mental illness? | Ruby Wax
Posted in BrenT's ThoughtS, Health and tagged creative genius vs insanity, mental health by Brent with no comments yet.