Business Partner or Wife? ….Both Please!
My ex once exclaimed, “You don’t want a wife, you want a business partner!”
Obviously, I want and need a woman who can be one in the same! duh.

Real Relationships Build Together
Thankful for the women friends of mine who get this…
And the ones I see working hard alongside their man.
For they bring encourgement to my heart about my future helpmate.
Posted in Biography, Brent and Robin, BrenT's ThoughtS by Brent with no comments yet.
The 8th is hard to escape…
Some days are made for memories. No matter what you do, every detail remains… Her face, smell, touch, taste, voice
— brent christian (@brentchristian) June 8, 2015
Posted in Biography, Brent and Robin by Brent with no comments yet.
The Lovers, Act VI
Welcome To My Autobiography
This is Part VI of a notable chapter in the life of yours truly ~
A chapter dedicated to telling the *full* story of my relationship with Robin Dodge, whom I still love dearly.
Some days are made for memories. No matter what you do, every detail remains…
Her face, smell, touch, taste, voice
— brent christian (@brentchristian) June 9, 2015

More than a mere love story,
it is the rise and fall of a dream,
and everything in between.
To Be Continued…
Posted in Biography, Brent and Robin and tagged brent christian, candlebox, christian dodge wedding, engagement, heartache, messy break up, robin dodge, robin jones, true love by Brent with no comments yet.
Raul Trevino or Raul Cantu??
How was I to see the difference between the men you have shared our wine with?
Raul Trevino or Raul Cantu?? …or whoever?
We both have had issues of trust because of things which have deeply hurt us in our past.
What happened to you when Tom left you, you feared would happen again.
I feared that you would cheat on me…
You saw how I reacted after your birthday.
I spent all I had to take you out, but you still went out with Raul
And did so just the next day, after you said you wouldn’t the day before.
I was betrayed and very hurt.
…and that hurt me too while I was in Midland…
He is someone I have never even met, taking you out often,
and getting drunk together. When I would call you, you would
ignore me, or drunk-fight with me. It really hurt!
I also never trusted you when you went out with
Heather… cause people do stupid things when they are drunk
and she is a bad influence about hooking up with guys.
I was in a relationship with someone who did that to me alot.
She would come home so drunk, she would fall out of the car.
I loved her, I did everything for her!
I tried so hard to help her stop the coke,
stop the drinking, stop lying to me.
Do you understand now?
…why it hurts me so much when you go out without me?
I am a good man, and I want to give you a good life.
Ok babe?
I’m sorry I let you down, but I was afraid, ok?
Meanhile, you so often projected your fears and insecurites about me leaving you
because of your past hurts… that always drove me away!
But in my heart, I never want to be apart from you 🙂
I know you are a GOOD woman.
You feared me ‘leaving you at the alter’
I feared you hooking up with someone else
Our fears came true.
But that is not what we want!!
Let’s come together and heal from our past, stop this pattern,
and be the best we can be so we can go and help others in this
world that need what we have to share.
You are my amazing partner for life – I love you dear.
– brent
“If you focus on the negative or the problems in your life, your life will be ‘the problem’.
But if you focus on solutions and what you want, your life will be ‘the solution’.” – Amy Applebaum
Posted in Brent and Robin, Private and tagged cheater, cheating heart, messy breakup, raul cantu, raul trevino by Brent with no comments yet.
Befriend Me…
hmmm, I think you friends out here in ‘Internet Land’, actually know me quite better than those IRL…
And it’s not only just because I’m working at the computer and online soo much, but rather, because I have found much more enjoyment/fulfillment and meaningful relations through befriending such amazing and intelligent life-forms as I’ve discovered here online compared to many of those whom I know offline. Likewise, you ‘online friends’ take a much greater interest in me as well. Perhaps, it’s a phenomenon akin to how,
…a prophet is received, except in his own hometown…
At any rate, I remain open to anyone who seeks my true friendship… So for those of you who don’t know me at all, those who would like to better, and including past friends looking to reunite, lemme help ya out some…
- Call me on the phone, duh! –> 512.957.0698
- Check out my bio.
- Read more of my blog.
- Stalk me on social media.
- Subscribe to this website for staying connected
with me and following the crazy life I’m living these days.
Posted in Biography and tagged about, brent online, connect with brent christian, contact, Google Search Brent Christian, How can I contact Brent Christian?, stalk me, What is Brent Christian's email address?, What is Brent's Christian's Telephone Number? by Brent with no comments yet.
“It’s My Birthday, I Can Blog If I Want To”
Thank for visiting my site and for all the gifts in the mail, emails, FB messages, etc, that have been flooding in…
i love you all!
Turning 31 years old marks 10 years since quite a few momentous occurrences in the life of Brent, so i’ll kick this post off with a list of some of those events mixed in with other trivial facts…
10 Years Ago in the Life of Brent at Age 21:
- i was full of piss and vinegar.
- smoked cigarettes and cig-a-weed
- drove a little cute but extremely loud blue CRX.
- moved to Austin, TX and subsequently began an 8 year tenure of living there.
- didn’t know many people outside my peer group, but was eager to meet new people
- witnessed 2 of my grandparent’s departure from planet earth to go be with Jesus.
- began cross training for endurance sports, just after rehabilitation from serious injury.
- spent a lot of time (sometimes romantically) entertaining best friend Krystal Kay!
- launched the website you’re browsing now,
- began using Linux, exclusively, as my desktop platform.
- became of U.S. legal age to purchase and consume alcoholic beverages.
- started my first business, BCS – Brent’s Computer Services.
- formed acoustic-wanting-to-be-rock-n-roll band with friends Monte Peck and Derick.
ok, let’s see what has changed about your’s truly by contrasting the above with this…
Brent at age 31:
- full of the Holy Spirit!
- only ‘toking the Ghost’
- drives a Jeep Cherokee and a Toyota Corolla.
- been traveling a lot since leaving TX for the East Coast. (2 years ago last month) currently living in VA, and soon to take on a completely nomadic lifestyle.
- have made friends with the most outrageously fun and intelligent people i could find from all over the world.
- witnessed the birth of my 1st nephew.
- kept up endurance excercise on and off over the years, but getting more serious about it again as I begin to train for this exciting event –
- single, not a playboy anymore, knows how to treat women, and got my eyes on ‘the one’.
- just made a commitment to keep freshly updated and will also be bringing all the original content love back onboard.
- still using Linux, i’m a genius working with it now.
- rarely consuming alcohol these days, but looking foward to a drinking a Guiness tonight for my b-day (mm …they’re so good for you, ya know)
- quit working with computers for a couple of years (as a proffesion) until earlier this year. launching a consulting business, just as I did 10 years ago!
- still playing guitar!!
I don’t even have plans about what i’ll do today yet, but i don’t really care… i’m just so excited to be alive that just about anything will suit my day. why is that? …because everyday is like a birthday for me!! (complete with cake even, thanx to the lovely Mrs Vera Mills who consistently bakes delightful cakes and other goodies for me nearly each week.) i could spent time on any one of my many projects and be thrilled about it. so far, i’ve been up since 5 A.M. working away, and having a blast at it! yeah!! i celebrate life everyday i wake up, and each and every day i’m thankful to God for another one.
if i have a day like today tomorrow i’ll be just as overjoyed as I’ve been all day today!
Now many of you may be thinking, “why is this guy so ding-dong happy about his life?” … well, seriously get to know me and it will only be a matter of time before you understand. In fact you might find yourself in daily celebratory bliss as well, because this Joy is contagious.
And for those of you who think you know me well and are also asking the same question; perhaps doubting my genuine happiness… what question you really need to be asking yourself instead is, “do i even know this brent guy anymore”, cause you aren’t nearly as close to me as you think you are! Most likely you are stuck with some past memory of me, have misjudged my life, or may even be in error on both accounts. Several instances of late come to mind in which people who i should have a closer relationship with, including family, have asked about my welfare, asked about my future, asked about what i’m going to do with my life, etc, etc. hilariously to me, they’ve been asking as if they are worried about me… meanwhile, i’m living it up over here and loving life! yesterday after fielding some of these questions over the phone, i just laughed my head off afterwards… ooh what a difference perspective makes. i know this person meant well, but i wish they’d get a clue! ok, so that’s my birthday wish! …that people who i love will take the effort to get to know me better, that they will see my life in the new light that it’s been brought into. Hint: anyone who truly knows Jesus will understand what i mean here. …ya know how life with Him only get better with each passing day!?
i rarely ask for anything on my birthday. i really have most everything i want. of the things i would like to acquire, most of the items are somewhat eclectic items which i could never feel comfortable asking anyone to go out of their way to obtain. things like rare documentaries, books, electronics, etc. basically stuff that is pretty specific. because i don’t like telling someone exactly what i want when it’s a gift, i don’t. i rather be surprised with something i like than have to tell someone exactly what to buy me, that’s just lame! people who have a sincere relationship with you know what you like. that’s why true friends are usually the ones who give the most memorable gifts.
i can’t even remember any birthday wishes of prior years, but this year i’ve got some that certainly take the cake… i think it’s cause my mind has been on super-hyper-over-drive lately. some of you would be fast to quip, “…well isn’t it always”? yes. true. …but, this time my mind has REALLY gone off the charts people! now that just might scare some of you, but trust me it’s being channeled into 100% quality productiveness this time around. so, more on that later in upcoming post and to be seen else where online when i finally begin launching the handful of projects scheduled for release over the next few months. for now, suffice it to say that i’ll be putting up something around 20+ new tasty websites.
ok, still following along?? …umm yeah, birthday wishes… i actually have some this year!
when my mom asked me about what i might want, i joked with her about wanting a specific special woman for my b-day… only, i seriously wasn’t joking! spending time with her is all i want to do and would certainly make this birthday boy’s day a truly special one! …so there’s day-dream # 1…
my 2nd wish has now also turned into a daydream… what else i’m seriously wishing for is too HUGE to plan *this* year… i have this fantastic dream of calling up ALL my friends from all over the world and flying them into NY for a party! …and i’m talking about everyone i know! so yeah, kinda a big dream and a little expensive too. nevertheless, it’s fun to imagine what a crazy combination of beautiful people it would be and to see my favorite people all in one place getting to know each other would be really awesome.
i’ve always subscribed to the philosophy that people, whether deserving or not, should be able to ‘have their cake and eat it too’…this mentality applied to vision says to me, ‘what good purpose are those dreams without ever seeing them realized… don’t let the cake just go to waste while looking at it, you idiot!” LOL …so be certain that i’ll remain a busy boy from now on with not only day-dreaming about those b-day wishes, but also plotting, planning, and scheming up ways to make both these awesome dreams come true! …and how about by 32?!
until then… what i’m asking for, is for everyone who i love to give me at least an hour on the phone with them!
…”what?! an entire hour.. is he crazy?!” well, of course i’m crazy! ok, i realize in our busy world, an hour may seem to be asking a lot …but consider that i’ll really be the one giving up the most time by putting this idea into practice, especially in my case. being the oldest of 7 siblings gives me 2 hours with my sisters, 4 hours of brothers, and another 2 for Mom and Dad, which totals 9 hours worth of talk time just for family!
oops… this simpler wish also comes with a little bit of complication, which is that i cannot be available to talk on the phone until mid month October! so, i’m asking for commitments instead.
“commitments!! …yikes; what a frightening word! …see, he really is crazy!”
well if that scares you, i bid thee farewell… for we have actually nearly reached the end of today’s blog journey here anyways and i do hope you enjoyed it! many thanx for joining along with me for this lengthy birthday rant!! leave your questions, comments, blah, blah, etc. in the box down below.
 …for those brave souls wanting to chat it up with me over the phone as suggested, i’ve gone and made it super simple for you to grant my birthday by pledging to giving me a chunk of your phone time. just use the handy lil widget below to schedule a time and leave a message. (…and, no, it doesn’t have to be an hour!)
[ Yikes!! This calendar schedule widget area is broken… but that’s ok, it’s not my birthday anymore! …and I don’t need random stalkers looking me up anymore 🙂 ]
while i mostly look forward to spending some time with close friends or family, those of you who are regular readers and would sincerely like to get to know me more here’s your chance. When using the app above to schedule a phone meeting, please leave some additional notes about why your interested in contacting me though. – thanx!
ok, after proofreading this article i’m going for a nap and then out to eat!!
woa, what’s that i hear?!? … a package delivery! …hooray for Birthday presents!!
[thank you Janice for all the shoobie doobie stuff, and who would have thought, a delicious birthday cupcake in the mail – wow funny!]
Thank you lovelies for hanging out with me here ~ blessings on all of you 🙂
– brent
Posted in Biography, BrenT's ThoughtS and tagged austin, birthday, BrenT's ThoughtS, God, miracles, web journal by Brent with 2 comments.
About This Site
i am brent.
On this personal site of mine you’ll find some of these topics:
World Politics
- Truth is stranger than fiction, conspiracy theories aren’t theories when they get proven
- All about our content driven Internet and about the world of web logging, aka bloggin’
- My online journey from the very beginning of blogging history on the internet to becoming an internet rockstar
Recording Engineering and Production
- Guitar: Featuring all 9 of my beautiful babes, and other stuff about guitar equipment.
- Getting the best from using technology without losing the soul of the song.
- Art can stimulate and bless your mind and soul
- Creating our own art, as well as enjoying and sharing other’s art can really enhance our lives
Featured Websites That I love
- Online resources that benefit my life, hope they’ll benefit yours too
- Because I am into healthy living, and I like to study and learn about everything related to holistic health
- One of my start-up project goals is the opening of a health and wellness facility
- I have crazy experiences with God and angels and seeing wild miracles happen.
Business Projects of Mine
- Fashion design and retail, e-commerce
- NeevusOS – my own GNU/Linux computer operating system
- Building a worldwide online social network
Lifestyle Design
- How I define lifestyle design – “Creating a life lived with purpose, on purpose.”
- Tips and Ideas for helping you create the life you want
- Living life to the full, with adventure, and with great success
- Our world is so fascinating and want to experience it all and share all I can with other’s about the amazing cultural history, languages, sites to see, and peoples of our world.
- I’m a music junky! Funk, Soul, Blues, Country, Alt-Rock, Rap – give me all of it, but none of the super cheesy commercial stuff
- Will be showcasing the musical works of my favorite artist and discussing music art in general
- I play guitar and write songs, maybe I’ll share ; )
Technology and Science
- Of course I can write a lot about both technology and science since they are some of my most passionate interest from an early childhood, beginning with the electronic kits and science kits that were my best friends growing up.
- Because I dig crazy and fun fashions and enjoy to sewing and creating stuff too, of course I’ll be talking all about this subject as well — and BTW…
- I’m the founder of NeevusFashion, check it out!
- My dogs are my best friends and I have always loved animals, expect animal photos and stories to be featured.
- I really want horses again, they were a part of my childhood and honestly I won’t consider my life a total success until the day I have a ranch home with at least two horses to ride.
Poetry, Autobiographical Stories, and Articles I Write
- Expressing myself with poetry comes easy for me, I owe this to having read so much in my lifetime, especially as a child, and also because of practice, I guess – Idk but..
- I enjoyed writing to get my point across, and my writings have been featured here and there, both credited and as a ghost writer.
- My lifetime includes some pretty crazy adventure stories and I expect more to come, so there’s plenty to write about in this regard! So I’m working on turning my private journals into an autobiography which I’ll publish here as blog posts.
Thanks for coming by, stay tuned for all of this and more…
Posted in Art, Biography, BrenT's ThoughtS, Business, Coffee, Family, Fashion, Featured Websites, Films, Health, Historical, Jesus Revolution, Music, Poetry, Science, Technology, Travel, Various Miscellaneous and tagged 1995, 2009, 2010, Alvarez Electric, austin, Australia, Ben and Stephanie Dun, ben brown, Bible, Billy Corgan, birthday,, brent, brent christian, BrenT's ThoughtS, brigette, Caleb Christian, cd release, Cinta, cloud computing, Divine Appointments, dot coms, end abortion, Facebook, Family, fasting, favorite band, favorite holiday, fun, Gabriel, Glory, God, God.Tv, google, google is the devil, google sux, healing power, I am a genius, Indonesia, Israel, Jesus Christ Superstar, Jesus Revolution, Jesus saves all, John and Lily Crowder, Joshia, Kenya, Kim Walker, Lecrae, leper colonies, life, Life of the Party, life questions, Linux, make money online, Mark Gajiwala, Misty Edwards, Mr. Wizard, new beginnings, Newsboys, North Holywood, one post to rule them all, Opensource Software, Oriental Teas, Oversold The Movie, Passion of the Christ, real estate, Something About Sunday, Starla Christian, tourism, wired by Brent with no comments yet.
One more week till… I’m in the dumps!
I’ll be heading out with Sons of Thunder and Joy Revolution to shine the love of Jesus among those living in actual garbage dumps! We’ll be visiting the beautiful country of Indonesia! Awesome!! Yeshua Jesus is going with us!!!
Posted in Biography, Jesus Revolution, Travel and tagged ben and stephanie dunn, brent christian, Indonesia, Jesus Revolution, john crowder, love, Mission Trip, Travel, trips by Brent with no comments yet.
Rosh Hashana! “shana tova”!!
I had a pleasant evening feasting with my Israeli friends in celebration of the new year. It’s gonna be a sweet one! My Jewish brothers and sisters are gonna come to know the King of Kings!! Everyone praise Yeshua ha Messiach!!! Many blessings to you in this new year, enjoy this video:
Posted in Biography, Jesus Revolution and tagged Israel, Jesus Revolution, Jewish, Jewish New Year, New Year, Rosh Hashana, Yeshua by Brent with no comments yet.