Brent Reacher

You can’t get around being where you don’t want to be, when it’s the only way to get to where you do.” – Brent Christian

Another Saturday night… working to keep my promises and solve some ridiculous problems while keeping my boots clean in a hen house…

This Jack Reacher movie scene comes to mind as I try to humor myself and find some appreciation for where I’m at right now. (*sigh*…no, you dolts, I don’t particularly mean being or not being in a bar… and, no, I haven’t landed in jail for the night either.)  And if you can’t draw any conclusions from this, well you’re dense, and I’d definately not be trusting you to know the full extent of what I mean by any means, let alone over a blog post.  Suffice it to say situations often find their way to my door only because I’m just trying to do what’s right in a world of corruption.

  In looking for this scene clip, I discovered there will be a sequel to this movie… so that’s pretty cool… I contemplate -maybe- going out to watch it when it hits the big screen, but being able to count on my fingers the number of films I’ve actually gone to the theater for with about half of them being because of a date, and with the likeliness of still being worlds away from any potential romantic interest around that time, and certianly most likely to still be just as engrossed as ever in living out some of my own real life drama so as to not be able to afford the leisure of watching a fictional one, all make for quite a very very low probability that I will get to see it when it 1st comes out.   But I commit the October 21 release date to memory with much more thought than my usual habit for memorizing seemingly arbitrary stuff just for the sake of knowing that I can, in case a truly special miracle does come through ~

…Wow, all that only to discover from an inside source that the release date is now rescheduled for January 13th of 2017, in which case, I’ll likely be going just to celebrate that I can since 2017 will be the start of a new era of amazing success and freedom for me.   So if you want to go with, let me know and you’ll also be included in the RSVP for NeevusParty 2017  😀

No trailer for the sequel has been released yet, but here’s a trailer look at the first Jack Reacher movie:

And if you happen to be into film making or martial arts, then you’ll love this behind the scenes ‘making of’:

Anways… can anyone out there relate…

To the movie, the character, or anything about this post?
Anyone a fan of the Jack Reacher book series or enjoyed the movie?

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About This Site

i am brent.

On this personal site of mine you’ll find some of these topics:

World Politics

  • Truth is stranger than fiction, conspiracy theories aren’t theories when they get proven


  • All about our content driven Internet and about the world of web logging, aka bloggin’
  • My online journey from the very beginning of blogging history on the internet to becoming an internet rockstar

Recording Engineering and Production

  • Guitar: Featuring all 9 of my beautiful babes, and other stuff about guitar equipment.
  • Getting the best from using technology without losing the soul of the song.


  • Art can stimulate and bless your mind and soul
  • Creating our own art, as well as enjoying and sharing other’s art can really enhance our lives

Featured Websites That I love

  • Online resources that benefit my life, hope they’ll benefit yours too


  • Because I am into healthy living, and I like to study and learn about everything related to holistic health
  • One of my start-up project goals is the opening of a health and wellness facility


  • I have crazy experiences with God and angels and seeing wild miracles happen.

Business Projects of Mine

  • Fashion design and retail, e-commerce
  • NeevusOS – my own GNU/Linux computer operating system
  • Building a worldwide online social network

Lifestyle Design

  • How I define lifestyle design – “Creating a life lived with purpose, on purpose.”
  • Tips and Ideas for helping you create the life you want
  • Living life to the full, with adventure, and with great success


  • Our world is so fascinating and want to experience it all and share all I can with other’s about the amazing cultural history, languages, sites to see, and peoples of our world.


  • I’m a music junky! Funk, Soul, Blues, Country, Alt-Rock, Rap – give me all of it, but none of the super cheesy commercial stuff
  • Will be showcasing the musical works of my favorite artist and discussing music art in general
  • I play guitar and write songs, maybe I’ll share ; )

Technology and Science

  • Of course I can write a lot about both technology and science since they are some of my most passionate interest from an early childhood, beginning with the electronic kits and science kits that were my best friends growing up.


  • Because I dig crazy and fun fashions and enjoy to sewing and creating stuff too, of course I’ll be talking all about this subject as well — and BTW…
  • I’m the founder of NeevusFashion, check it out!


  • My dogs are my best friends and I have always loved animals, expect animal photos and stories to be featured.
  • I really want horses again, they were a part of my childhood and honestly I won’t consider my life a total success until the day I have a ranch home with at least two horses to ride.

Poetry, Autobiographical Stories, and Articles I Write

  • Expressing myself with poetry comes easy for me, I owe this to having read so much in my lifetime, especially as a child, and also because of practice, I guess – Idk but..
  • I enjoyed writing to get my point across, and my writings have been featured here and there, both credited and as a ghost writer.
  • My lifetime includes some pretty crazy adventure stories and I expect more to come, so there’s plenty to write about in this regard!  So I’m working on turning my private journals into an autobiography which I’ll publish here as blog posts.

Thanks for coming by, stay tuned for all of this and more…

Posted in Art, Biography, BrenT's ThoughtS, Business, Coffee, Family, Fashion, Featured Websites, Films, Health, Historical, Jesus Revolution, Music, Poetry, Science, Technology, Travel, Various Miscellaneous and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , by with no comments yet.