Premium Love Expectations

laaagii laa laa ethernet photobooth
cynical starburst bulbflashes of puppylove truth

past present pretense, pain so immense
recoils ourselves from feeling too much
cautions us from saying such and such

but caution to the wind, try try try again
for days are too long in the valley of longing
kicked and bleeding from the ego and not belonging
…and for what do we pray, if we can’t stay
in the arms of angels, in the arms of love
when it’s finally honest and pure from above?

barely experienced with heavenly realities here, we languish in fear
though we could save each other, be strong for each other
no… we fake along instead, waiting for, or staying with, another

but the fire that burns will certainly cure us
so if you don’t mind molten translucent gold flowing between us
just relax, you’ll enjoy such an honest burn
which quickens love’s ability to teach what we need to learn
instead of pretending like we don’t know
what all the obvious simple signs show

uncontrollable fire bringing forward our desire

uncontrollable timing, both in such a rough patch
but trust, your highest hopes have met their match
and indeed you have too… so slow down, slow dawn…
sunset my dear super-set
your chess game piece elevates to queen from pawn
there’s eternity for everything you must do
lioness paw forward stepping into the new, new
everything you ever imagined coming true
is finally here through not one, but another, and yet another
so let freedom reign in your heart like the words of your mother

holy bird lover that cannot lie, tell me why she cannot fly!?
treehouse watchposted, like watchwoman on the wall
suffering her desire for one and all
where’s the delight in being untrue?
only pain reigns when you aren’t truly free to be you

you think I’m only a muse to light the way?
no, a teacher and hunter who well deserves to feast on his prey
for the tide is turning and these rare moments are meant to seize
so humour me with truth and be the full meal deal if you please

for I will eat of you all that’s raw,
yet spitting out hay, stubble, and straw…

I’m on my way and
golden ratio realities expectantly await the best of you too;
so let’s help each other through to become what’s pure, lovely, and true

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Holy Garlic, Batman!

Garlic within
Forgiveness of sin
Eating bites of holy cloves throughout my nights
Prayerfully transforming wrongs to rights

Garlic solitude
Changing of mood, tranquility, new vitality, expunging fears
For all the bloody years, I stuff it in my ears
An equilibrium adjustment, pre-flight
Soul detox before I begin again to flex my warlord might

Garlic sight
Eyes burning, adjusting, learning
Clearing vision, empowering decision
Eagle eyes, seeing past the lies

Garlic all over
Everything off my shoulder, sigh, relax, relieve
Sanctimonious vapors in the air I breathe
Pressure relief from weary belief systems of grief

Garlic ritual
All over my chest, mother’s baby gonna do his best
Purging the vampire, for inheriting an empire
I fall to sleep with it pressed on my heart
For a real man to rise with a new start
Soaring above all percy
Embracing Yahweh’s daily mercy
And His blessings with no sorrow
Each day a purer, brighter, tomorrow

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Tomorrow’s Just An Excuse Away…

27 turns to 33 in 2190 days worth of excuses and you’ll make it home
where all will last forever, but only in your heart that she’ll break and you’ll break.

Along your journey you’ll learn that the mystery of love is greater than the mystery of death and continue making the effort to forgive and love with the help of the I of the Radio… The end will be the beginning where you’ll be able to show your crooked teeth as perfect pearls in a cheshire grin despite the ignorance and cares of this present world. No more cage, no more rage… You’ll make it… Home.
Love does last forever ~

Speak to me in a language I can hear
Humour me before I have to go
Deep in thought I forgive everyone
As the cluttered streets greet me once again
I know I can’t be late, supper’s waiting on the table
Tomorrow’s just an excuse away
So I pull my collar up and face the cold, on my own
The earth laughs beneath my heavy feet
At the blasphemy in my old jangly walk
Steeple guide me to my heart and home
The sun is out and up and down again
I know I’ll make it, love can last forever
Graceful swans of never topple to the earth
And you can make it last, forever you
You can make it last, forever you
And for a moment I lose myself
Wrapped up in the pleasures of the world
I’ve journeyed here and there and back again
But in the same old haunts I still find my friends
Mysteries not ready to reveal
Sympathies I’m ready to return
I’ll make the effort, love can last forever
Graceful swans of never topple to the earth
Tomorrow’s just an excuse
And you can make it last, forever you
You can make it last, forever you

Song Writer: William Patrick Corgan
Copyright: Universal Music Publishing Ltd., Cinderful Music

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Motorscooter buttercup…

Motorscooter buttercup streetkid queen
Her contagious smile is my dailygrind pickup
Light therapy of her angelface soothes my soul
As she dances away the demons with only a leap
And sings healing to my spirit with her laughter

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Carmen, Let’s Go Home
(A Scottish-American Child’s Night Dream)

Finally together again, you and me!
Discovering and reinventing ourselves as is Holy meant to be
Within each other where we’re forever free to be free

I’ll help you fulfill that place in your dreams left lonely so oft,
When and where your heart is yet still soft,
And you’ll brightly see far beyond all pain into our vast eternity
So come on baby, disciple the lunatic fringe with me
To herald the Light’s coming as was always meant to be

Come on, take my healing, just one touch and you’ll be made well
Then together we’ll pull many firebrands from the torments of hell
Come on baby, break on through to the other side with me
I am a fiery burning love that will forever set you free

Come on baby, awaken the dawn with me
Discover your purest self as it’s meant for me
Come away from the darkness cheating you of love’s light from your eyes
Cause ya know a true love’s flame never dies

Trust that I can keep you warm and safe from all harm
When we head out to the Highlands and buy back the farm

Come on baby, you and me, to our old lands we should flee
Come on baby, you and me, let’s live out our fantasy on STV
And we’ll be the ones to set the ghost of Lady Barbara free

All along the watchtower tying cherry knot’s 1st real date
Marry me in our movie on the Grant Estate
But hurry my love, our magic hour is getting late

Come on, Honeymoon Baby, let’s get our adventure on
Travel Europa on and on
Then back to America but far from studio, from radio,
Free from having to knock out another hit song
(But steadily writing bars,
effortlessly underneath our stars!)
Where The Appalachian Trail cries for us to hike along…

Overachieving The American Dream
Like our ancestors from Holyrood to Aberdeen
From your NY Hood to our Hollywood
I’ll be your safeguard from the lime-light
And hold you tight through the darkest of night,
‘Till we’re burning at the same speed of light
And we’ll become closer than ever as we travel through,
Then you’ll show me, me, while I’ll show you, you
As together we’ll show how there’s truly no inhibitions now

So come back to me fair Lizzy, back from the public gallery, I need a private showing, and I’m jonesing for my video games and your sweet summer wine, but we’ll be much more than that this time, and prove our love to be of Divine design.

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Return to September, July’s Stolen Prize

The ‘commoner’s ring’, more than controversy, was a great prophecy!
As surely as the Lord’s will must come about, and for future generation’s sake no doubt, it wrought in a Prince’s heart sacred lessons and all means to stay true, whether tempted by green eyes or blue…

T’was amazing Grace, undeserved honor bestowed, which turned a prince
from a toad and, amidst global gossip spread from humble hometown abode, prevailed against lies which did well to forbode with slight foretell of Hell’s looming attempts at bringing Love down and yet serendipitously simultaneously saddled strongly still Simpleton’s chance destiny of approaching, nigh assuming, the Crown.
For although thought not to be allowed, indeed was plucked
as a flower from the field, a princess among the crowd.
Forgiveness and Patience also saw her through, assisting ascention to lofty heights of all Queenly virtue.

So all the witnesses said, ‘Amen!’, as did the people in cheers and joy-tears as even was heard blessings from the Heavens, a galactic jubulient shout, for a lifetime of love to be lived out as beautiful and bountifully as their bells rang out. From scrolls of Ether’s domain, manifest alive in full procession, entered fully Christened a new order of Divine succession!

‘Tis a lesson forever to remember,
Of how Royal Ruby was scorned for Sapphire September.
…And, how, thusly, the ring, blue and true, overcame theft and controversy to fulfill dreams of prophecy.


Ruby is the Birthstone of July.
It’s a stone of love and passion, chemically the same as Sapphire except how it’s affected by coloring matter.
In market value it is ranked next to Diamond.

Sapphire is the Birthstone of September.
An emblem of Heaven, Wisdom, Truth, Consistency, Faith, and Fidelity.
In hardness it surpasses the Ruby, yielding only to Diamond.

Both stones hail from the same family.

July Birthstone 1

september birthstone 1

September birthstone 11

July Birthstone 8

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Inhale Your Destiny

I am a breeze gently wafting
against windows of opportunity
hinting at the gail-storm I bring

A true revolution
I am the wind
Life to those who let me in

Open your windows
Breathe deeply

Exhaling to inhale me
trades your hell for Heavenly Reality
To breathe my air is to truly live free
The experience of what you cannot yet see
For I am New World discovery

So let my winds unfurl your Scroll of Destiny
to open your inheritance of me
A becoming of EVERYTHING
much more than your wildest dream

Far beyond all you can think or imagine,
if only you breath me in!

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‘Tis so much joy! ‘Tis so much joy!

‘Tis so much joy! ‘Tis so much joy!
If I should fail, what poverty!
And yet, as poor as I,
Have ventured all upon a throw!

Have gained! Yes! Hesitated so –
This side the Victory!

Life is but Life! And Death, but Death!
Bliss is but Bliss, and Breath but Breath!
And if indeed I fail,
At least, to know the worst, is sweet!
Defeat means nothing but Defeat,
No drearier, can befall!

And if I gain! Oh Gun at Sea!
Oh Bells, that in the Steeples be!
At first, repeat it slow!
For Heaven is a different thing,
Conjectured, and waked sudden in –
And might extinguish me!

– Emily Dickinson (1860)

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Summer Sizzelz Frebore Blode

summer groove / time to move / joyful spectacle / forever festival /

righteous removal of religious rules / the enemies of God are proven fools / caravan of camels come bringing jewels / transferring wealth from workers of iniquity / to sons and daughters like you and me / empowering the princes to set the captives free

forever festival / joyful spectacle / enter like a child / it’s time to go wild

cause the meaning of the Good News to be understood / like a sanctified modern-day Robin Hood / sharing your bread with the widows and poor / shining bright His light from door to door

Robin Hood indah Glory

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In It For Love!

By water or fire, you’ll not quench love’s desire
Foe, flood, or flame, there’s protection in His name
As they say, “Come what may…”
For me, Jesus is the only way
“Hell or high water”, I’ll be safe in the arms of Love
As sure as His hope flies in “on the wings of a dove”
I shall not be afraid nor offended,
Even at the cost of my life being prematurely ended.
For “To live is Christ, to die is gain”
His rainbow reminds us after the rain
Of promises we have in His beautiful name
Yesterday, Today, and Forever the same
Jesus’ word will surely remain

Let perfect love be perfected in me, till Jesus is all I see.
I’m in it for love; my love is Jesus.

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