Jared and Amy Christian Featured on www.couchsurfing.com
Check out my brother and his wife, Jared and Amy Christian on
CBS 7 – Your Eye on West Texas.
doing an interview about ‘couch surfing’ and using www.couchsurfing.com as a practical travel tool for aquiring alternative sleep/housing accomodations. As you will see in the interview, they plan on using couchsurfing.com while on their world wide travel adventures. They will actually be living in 12 different countries and spending one month in each over the course of their travels!
More interesting info about their mission trip and involvement with the World Race can be found here:
Jared’s Page: http://jaredchristian.theworldrace.org/
Amy’s Page: http://amychristian.theworldrace.org/
Posted in Family, Featured Websites, Travel and tagged Amy Christian, couch surfiing, couchsurfing.com, Jared Christian, Jesus Revolution, Mission Trip, Travel, traveling, World Race by Brent with no comments yet.
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