Our DNA and The Science of ‘Life After Death’
I believe there is something in our design, our DNA, which allows us to live after we die in the same way a seed from a plant lies dormant and appears dead, yet it is still alive and even programmed to return new life to the earth in it’s season.
Although we don’t fully understand the science of such things yet,
I believe we will just as it is possible to understand how a seed works.
I pray we all reach for the understandings of such things, staying mindful of how precious life is, and that by each our own unique ways we’ll sow only good things into the earth and give our best as a way of gratitude for our lives.
To be Continued…

Evolutionary Dance by Krystleyez
Posted in BrenT's ThoughtS, Science and tagged DNA, life after death, unless a seed dies by Brent with 1 comment.
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