Return to September, July’s Stolen Prize

The ‘commoner’s ring’, more than controversy, was a great prophecy!
As surely as the Lord’s will must come about, and for future generation’s sake no doubt, it wrought in a Prince’s heart sacred lessons and all means to stay true, whether tempted by green eyes or blue…

T’was amazing Grace, undeserved honor bestowed, which turned a prince
from a toad and, amidst global gossip spread from humble hometown abode, prevailed against lies which did well to forbode with slight foretell of Hell’s looming attempts at bringing Love down and yet serendipitously simultaneously saddled strongly still Simpleton’s chance destiny of approaching, nigh assuming, the Crown.
For although thought not to be allowed, indeed was plucked
as a flower from the field, a princess among the crowd.
Forgiveness and Patience also saw her through, assisting ascention to lofty heights of all Queenly virtue.

So all the witnesses said, ‘Amen!’, as did the people in cheers and joy-tears as even was heard blessings from the Heavens, a galactic jubulient shout, for a lifetime of love to be lived out as beautiful and bountifully as their bells rang out. From scrolls of Ether’s domain, manifest alive in full procession, entered fully Christened a new order of Divine succession!

‘Tis a lesson forever to remember,
Of how Royal Ruby was scorned for Sapphire September.
…And, how, thusly, the ring, blue and true, overcame theft and controversy to fulfill dreams of prophecy.


Ruby is the Birthstone of July.
It’s a stone of love and passion, chemically the same as Sapphire except how it’s affected by coloring matter.
In market value it is ranked next to Diamond.

Sapphire is the Birthstone of September.
An emblem of Heaven, Wisdom, Truth, Consistency, Faith, and Fidelity.
In hardness it surpasses the Ruby, yielding only to Diamond.

Both stones hail from the same family.

July Birthstone 1

september birthstone 1

September birthstone 11

July Birthstone 8

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